Jiu Jitsu Self Defense : Beginner-friendly guide

As someone who has been practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu self-defense for several years, I can attest to its effectiveness. Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting, making it an ideal choice for real-life combat situations where the...

Mouthguard for MMA : 10 best picks

Hey there, fight fans! We all know that protecting your teeth is just as important as perfecting your moves when it comes to MMA. That’s why we’ve put together this knockout list of the 10 best mouthguards for MMA. We’ll be your cornermen, guiding...

7 Best Boxing Resistance Bands

Welcome to our list of top 7 boxing resistance bands , where we showcase some of the best products available on Amazon to help you train like a pro. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve your boxing skills or a pro fighter wanting to enhance your...

18 best boxing gloves for beginners

Starting boxing can be overwhelming, but choosing the right gloves is crucial. In this guide, we’ll explore top 18 rated boxing gloves for beginners, offering protection, comfort, and durability to ignite your passion for the sport. Best overall Cleto Reyes Hook...

Combat Fitness workouts for MMA Fighters

Do you want to take your MMA game to the next level? Look no further combat fitness exercises are a great way to improve your strength, conditioning, and agility witch are very important if you want to compete. I’ve made simple but very affective exercises that...

Shadow Boxing Workouts: Improve Your Fighting Form

You understand as an MMA athlete how important good form and skill are to winning in the ring or octagon. Shadow boxing workouts are one of the best methods to enhance your form and technique. Shadow boxing is a great activity for increasing endurance and a low-impact...